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IJW - A Stealth Mode AI Startup

We are IJW - It Just Works. Why did we choose that name?

We have spent most of our careers building tools for people to get things done faster, cheaper and more easily. Those tools just worked, so why not call our new startup something simple and easy to remember?

In this crazy era of unprecedented growth of new technologies, in particular Generative AI, we are building new tools - that just work - for developers to solve complex problems.

"Anyone that's used AI tools over the last year knows that they're extremely useful for simple problems but as soon as you get into more complex problems they become counterproductive."

- Jeff Delaney, Fireship (YouTuber) 13 March, 2024

What We Do

We're developing cutting-edge, never-before-seen AI solutions using the latest advancements in GPTs, open-source SOTA models, and a whole lot of secret sauce. Our technology is poised to revolutionize how businesses interact with and leverage content and its data.

Our Focus Areas

Ready to unlock the future of content understanding? Contact us today!


We leverage a powerful stack of AI technologies, including:

LLMs: Using SOTA Open-Source LLMs to power content generation with advanced natural language understanding.
VLMs (Video-Language Models): Video understanding with Large Language Models. Answering questions, summarizing, analyzing.
Clustering: Grouping data points to uncover natural divisions within your datasets
Semantic Search: Enhancing search capabilities with context-awareness
NLU (Natural Language Understanding): Extracting valuable insights from text with Entity Recognition, Entity Typing, Linking and Relationship Extraction.
Knowledge Graphs: Mapping complex relationships in data to facilitate deeper analysis and understanding
Graph RAGs: Enhancing RAG with knowledge graphs, hierarchies, and summaries for improved reasoning and task performance
Automated Data Cleansing: Enhancing data quality through automated detection and correction of errors and inconsistencies.
Deep Analytics: Offering deep data insights to uncover patterns
Video Understanding: Analyzing and understanding video content using advanced AI techniques
Video Retrieval: Efficiently searching and retrieving relevant video content based on visual and semantic features
Visual Models: Implementing state-of-the-art visual models for image and video analysis
Face Recognition: Detecting and recognizing faces in images and videos with high accuracy
Speaker Recognition: Identifying and distinguishing speakers in audio and video content
Object Tracking: Object Detection + Tracking + reID + Classification + Segmentation


Text Embeddings and Similarity: Transforming text into numerical vectors to discover hidden similarities and patterns.
Visual Embeddings: Discrete Image embeddings transforming images and frames into features for classification or to uncover hidden similarities and patterns.
Visual Retrieval with OpenCLIP: Contrastive Language-Image embeddings to match and retrieve visual elements via text descriptions.
Zero-shot Text to Audio Retrieval: Latent representations of any audio and text for text to audio retrieval.
Face Recognition and Face Embeddings: Latent representations of any faces for face recognition.
Speaker Diarization and Speaker Embeddings: Speaker Diarization and Latent representation of speakers for multi-audio recognition and linking.
Multimodal embeddings: Multimodal representations to bind multiple modalities into a single space.